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Frequently Asked Questions
This section of the Knowledge Base answers all Frequently Asked Questions about AI subtitling.
FAQ - What are Subtitling Spotting Rules?
FAQ - How can I change the spotting rules?
FAQ - What are the best practices for subtitling vertical video?
FAQ - What are the best practices for subtitling square video
Does the process for automatic creation of subtitles keep on running in the background when I leave the page?
What is the best subtitle file format?
Are the transcription and the subtitles linked to each other?
Why is automatic subtitling not working?
How many media clips can I subtitle at time?
Is it possible to create subtitles without first creating a transcript?
Why doesn't Limecraft support live subtitling?
Why can’t I change the timing of my subtitle?
I positioned my subtitles at the top of the screen. When I do a playback using the VLC player to check on the exported SRT file, I still see the subtitles at the bottom. What am I doing wrong?
Is it possible to create and use different Subtitling Presets?
What is Truecasing?
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