Limecraft offers a range of services. Some services are included in the subscription fee, and some managed per metered usage, including Managed Media, Ingested Media, Cloud Storage, Transcription, etc. This article explains the different components and how they are billed.


Usage Parameters

Limecraft offers a variety of services to registered users of its platform, either to the administrator of the account, or to people that have been invited as a team member. The use of these functions is managed through specific usage parameters (and corresponding limits):

ProductionsThe number of distinct productions or 'Workspaces' created under an account.
UsersThe number of users, including invited and active users and excluding deactivated users, for the account and its productions or Workspaces.
Managed MediaThe total amount (in hours) of playable material stored within the account, measured as the maximum value reached over the monthly subscription period.

More info:
Ingested MediaThe total duration of all media files (in hours per month) uploaded into the account.

More info:
Cloud StorageThe total storage size (in GB or TB) used for storing non-proxy material within the account.

More info:
TranscriptionThe volume of automatically transcribed material (in hours) processed during the subscription period within the account. Manual transcription is not taken into account.
TranslationThe volume of material (in hours) which is processed, including automatic translation of transcripts or translation of subtitles, during the subscription period within the account.
Rendered MediaThe amount of material (in hours) that was rendered, e.g. to create video with burned-in subtitles, during the subscription period within the account

Usage Indicators

On tracking the usage the following Indicators apply (and displayed for each specific parameter):

Limecraft screenshot showing the indicators in the component usage overview.

Total UsageThe current total amount of usage units consumed
IncludedThe total amount of usage units included in the active subscription type
MaxThe amount of usage units set (either by the system or by the account owner) that are allowed to be used within the account
OverageThe amount of units used beyond the included amount (and below the max amount) that will be charged at the end of the billing period.
Overage is indicated with a blue colour in the usage bar. 

To manage overage, you can set your own limit to receive a prior warning before the usage is going in overage. Once the component usage has reached 90% of your set limit, a notification email is sent to the account owner. 

Overview of Usage Allowance per Price Plan

Depending on the subscription, the usage allowance is determined as follows:

Pay as you GoProTeamEnterprise
Users1 included5 included100 included1000 included
Productions1 included5 included1000 included1000 included
Ingested Media5h/month included, extendable up to 25h at a rate of 3,3€ per hour15h/month included, extendable up to 25h at a rate of 3,3€ per hour50h/month included, extendable up to 100h at a rate of 2,25€ per houras of 250 h/month included, extendable up to 1000h
Cloud Storage5GB included50GB included,
upgrade in blocks allowed
250GB included, upgrade in blocks allowed1000GB included, extendable at a charge per TB
Managed Media5h included,
extendable up to 25 hours, at a rate of 3,3€ per hour
25h included, extendable up to 100h at a rate of 3,3€ per hour100h included, extendable up to 250h at a rate of 2,25€ per houras of 1000h included, extendable at a charge per hour
charged per hour
charged per hour
charged per hour
charged per hour
Translationcharged per hour
charged per hour
charged per hour
charged per hour
Rendered Medianot availablenot available10h/month included (subscription fee), extendable at a charge per hour10h/month included (subscription fee), extendable at a charge per hour