Before you begin: to access production-level settings, you must have adequate permission. You need to be either the production admin or account admin.
To access the library settings, go to your Production Settings as shown below.
In this section, you will find the main settings for your Limecraft Flow library. There are two categories: search results and the navigation sidebar.
1. Search results
1.1 Clip name prefix in library
If certain information is present on your clips (the episode, scene, shot or take), then this will be used as a prefix for the clip name in the library.
This setting is automatically turned on. If you don't want this, you need to disable this by unselecting it here.
1.2 Result Grouping Presets
Instead of having one big list of all your search results, you can also group them. This makes it easier to see which results belong together and will save you some time.
Click on "Add Group Preset" to get started. In the screenshot below, we have already added a new Grouping Preset called "Test". As you can see, you can move it (in case of multiple), edit or even delete the preset with the respective icons.
When clicking "Add Group Preset", a pop-up window will appear as shown below. Add a label to identify which preset this is and then choose what you want to group your results by. There are plenty of options to choose from!
A grouping that might be useful for fiction productions is Episode > Scene > Shot with the information that Edge takes automatically from the audio metadata.
Note that adding groupings on different levels and in productions with a lot of clips can slow down Limecraft Flow.
To read more about grouping, go to the article 'Organising the Grouping of Clips in the Library'.
1.3 Default Result Sort Order
The clips in your library are sorted within a group. By default, this is done by search relevance. However, they can also be sorted otherwise: by take, most recent, timecode, filename or duration.
2. Navigation Sidebar
Here you can add a category to keep your material organised. By default, there are a few categories already:
- Unassigned: material which does not belong to a category
- Collections
- Screenplays
- Stories
However, perhaps you also want to create a category for your rushes or your masters. This function makes it easy to do. Just click "Add category" and fill in the information needed.
As you can see in the screenshot above, you can easily change the order of the categories by clicking the icon and dragging the category to where you want it to appear in the list.