This article describes how to add and share documents related to media
You can use Limecraft Flow to manage documents that are specifically related to media managed in your production. For example, you can securely store scripts, production reports, licenses, etc.
Note: you can upload documents as well as a media object in the library, but this section is specifically about documents linked to specific media.
As a starting point, select a specific asset and navigate to the detailed information using the INFO button. By scrolling down, you'll notice the documents section that you can use to upload one of more documents that will be managed along with the item.
By using the link, Limecraft Flow will display a pop up that allows you to select a file. Upon confirmation, you'll need to indicate whether you are uploading a confidential document, of whether they are visible to all. Confidential documents are only visible to team members with specific permissions.
When finished, Flow will indicate the documents linked to the media item. Assuming you have proper permission, you can download, preview or delete the documents.
Tip: if you hover over the document, you will see a window to the left with the details of the document (such as 'Confidential: yes/no').