Limecraft is an online platform used by creative professionals to collaborate, to easily share content, and to allow remote editing. Limecraft supports a variety of use cases. Depending on your interest, you might be looking to the creation and ingest of dailies, to securely sharing content with customers and 3rd parties, or to automate transcription and subtitlingAssuming you have access to one or more workspaces, either by invitation or by registering for an account, here is how to begin.

Before you begin

In order to create a new Workspace and to check in material, you need to be able to access the system and been assigned sufficient permissions. If you have been invited to an existing workspace by a production adminstrator, you can skip the creation of a new workspace and go to step 2 (adding media). If you have subscribed and are the account owner, you first need to create a new Workspace before you can start using the system.

1. Create your first Workspace

After logging into Limecraft and having selected an appropriate account you will have the option to 'Create Production' from the menu at the top right of the Production listing page.

A production workspace is the project in which you collaborate with team members on media, stories, screenplays and transcripts.

Limecraft screenshot showing the workspace overview upon login

Note: the free plan allows you to create one production. If this is not your first production and you are still on the free plan, you will be asked to upgrade.

Choose a descriptive title for your production. If you want, you can also choose an image.

Limecraft screenshot detail showing how to modify the badge or key image for a production or workspace

Don’t forget to use the update button to save your changes. You will be taken to your production library once the changes are saved. Now it’s time to add some material!

The production workspace and the account it belongs to can be extensively customised. See the sections on production management and account management for more info.

2. Adding media to the library

Within a production workspace, the library gives access to all your media including still pictures, audio files, video files or other types of media. 

There are several ways to add material to a particular project. For now we will only highlight the key features that allow you to get started. The easiest way to get material in your project is to just select one or more files on your desktop or local drive and to drag and drop them. Alternatively, you can use the the Add Clips button in the right corner.

Limecraft screenshot showing how to add clips to the library

Your upload starts and your files should appear in the library (press the refresh link if the library pops up an outdated message).

Recommended reading:

3. Using your Material

Upon completion of the ingest, you can start using your material for different purposes. Virtually any type of workflow you would like to execute is configurable and executable.